This video is the first in a two-part series to help you create the results you really want in life.
As you start to implement the knowledge that Bob is sharing with you, things will start to shift. Starting today, take the time to celebrate all of the wonderful victories you’ll experience as you begin this life-changing journey.
One way to do that is to acknowledge each time you choose a response you want to have, instead of letting a habit choose for you.
For instance, if one morning you choose to stop and hug your spouse instead of rushing out of the door like you typically do, give yourself a silent pat on the back. In that moment, your awareness created marvelous new possibilities. It started to dissolve an old habit, made you and your spouse feel good and set you up for your best next step.
An easy exercise to get you started in reclaiming your power
Habits rob us of awareness, so it’s not always easy to recognize them. We’re accustomed to them—we’ve had years of repeating what they tell us to do.
So here’s an easy exercise from Deepak Chopra that helps you become more conscious of your habits:
Think about a time of the day when you’re most susceptible to unwanted habits. Perhaps mid- afternoon. Now narrate your behavior as if you’re describing a character in a play. It might go like this…
Cindy is sitting at her desk. She picks up her phone to check Facebook. Fifteen minutes later, she puts down her phone and starts to review a report.
In this narration, you’ve simply noticed what you’re doing in a mindful, nonjudgmental way. Often seeing yourself from the outside leads to an instant breakthrough.
Now you could rewrite the story to read…
Cindy is sitting at her desk. She notices she’s feeling bored, so she stands up and stretches for a minute, and then sits down to review a report.
Making a small breakthrough like this really is worth celebrating because it is part of reprogramming your mind for a better life.
Do this exercise a few times this week to see how many negative or non-productive habits you can identify. Then, make a decision to eliminate them from your daily routine by replacing each one with a constructive habit.
Define yourself by choosing who you want to be
Next week, Bob will share information with you that can help you make permanent changes in your life.
Unfortunately, often when we want to make a big change, we tend to think it’s who we are that stops us from doing what we want to do.
For example, when I first heard Bob speak, I decided I wanted to be in his inner circle and create a program with him. However, before long, I started to second-guess my dream. I kept thinking, “But you’re just a lawyer. What do you know about personal development?”
Listen, if you’re a female… old… uneducated… broke… or any other excuse you can come up with, not one of those things is what stops you from doing what you want to do.
It’s NOT who you are. What stops you is who you think you’re NOT. You think you’re not the one who can go out there and do whatever it is that you want to do.
But let me ask you something…
If not you, who? It’s your dream!
In The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav says, “When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose and meaning. When the personality comes fully to serve the energy of its soul, that is authentic empowerment.”
If you have a desire in your heart, you CAN achieve it. Just like I became part of Bob’s inner circle and created a program with him, you can do anything you feel inspired to be, do and have.
So this week, in preparation for Bob’s next lesson, I urge you to give some serious thought to who you really want to be and the lifestyle you would absolutely love to have.
Then, next Thursday, Bob will walk you through how to start moving toward your desired results by shifting your paradigm.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
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