When I speak with people about visioneering, two questions often come up…
1. How do you come up with a clear image of what you want?
2. How do you act (or feel) as you already have your desire?
Those are great questions.
So, let’s focus on those two things today.
Creating an image of what you want
You are not alone if you struggle with coming up with a picture of the person you want to be.
It’s hard for many people to hold onto a new vision of themselves.
That includes me…
When my new image came to me, I was embarrassed to claim it. I saw myself as a corporate attorney—not as someone co-creating and running a personal development company.
So I wrote what I wanted in tiny print. Then, I slammed the book shut so no one could read it!
If your image hasn’t come to you, start doing things to limber up your mind.
Allow yourself to enter into other people’s lives, to help you move beyond what you consider to be “real” life…
Do things you’ve never done. Go places you’ve never been. Read new books. Allow yourself to be silly. Journal about your experiences.
Pay attention as you loosen up because your heart’s desire can come to you in a flash because it comes from the spiritual part of you. It is something that is unexpressed in you that wants to be expressed.
So don’t dismiss what flashes across your mind. Instead, build the picture (more on that in just a moment).
Then, focus on the image to make sure it’s what you really want. Refine it until you’re satisfied with it.
Use your will to hold the image on the screen of your mind. Not forcefully—carry it joyfully and with gratitude.
Feeling as if you already have your desire
A big part of effective visioneering is feeling as if you already have your desire.
To do that you have to use your imagination to get beyond your experiences.
You see, you’re a storehouse of images, not just the things you’ve seen, but the things you’ve imagined. Those images are very powerful. If you pull them up, they will engage your body, mind and spirit.
One of the keys to learning to live imaginatively is accepting that everything you can imagine has in it some truth for you.
Think about this for a moment…
Everything you see that was created by a human being is a duplicate. The original was in the mind (the imagination) of the person who created it.
So if you imagine it, it exists. And the more details you give it, the more you’ll accept that you’ve seen it. Anything that goes through your imagination has a right to live.
An easy exercise to get you started
Do this exercise to get your imagination going…
You’re walking along a country road. Notice the sky. Is it clear or are there clouds? Where is the sun? Is the road narrow, smooth, bumpy?
A fence lines the road. What is the fence made of? What condition is it in? How green is the grass? How tall is it?
Horses are grazing inside the fence. How many horses are there? What color are they?
You stop to pick some flowers, and to take a drink from a bottle you are carrying. How do the flowers feel? What’s in the bottle? How does it taste? Does it feel cool or warm in your mouth?
What else do you notice? What scents do you smell? What do you hear?
Exercise your imagination by creating scenes like this for five minutes a day until you come up with the image you want for your life.
Then, build the image of your desire, as you did here, by adding as many details as possible—engaging all five of your physical senses.
Each time you see the picture, bring it to life by involving your senses and your feelings. Do this often to help you start acting as if your desire already exists.
We’re here to help…
Whatever your heart’s desire is, know that it didn’t (or it won’t) come from nowhere. It is yours. It is divine.
Study books like Your Invisible Power, build your image and practice living from that perspective.
As you see the changes starting to occur, write to us and let us know the exciting things that are happening in your life.
And if you have more questions about visioneering and getting it to work for you, you’ll love this Visioneering Checklist. Getting this right will change your life.
I look forward to hearing from you.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
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