During this interview, I mentioned that, even though I’ve had a great life, I always want more.
However, because people used to ask me questions like…
Aren’t you happy?
Isn’t that enough?
Can’t you be satisfied with what you’ve got?
… I used to think something was wrong with me. And I’d like to take a couple of minutes here to follow up on that point.
See, I was happy, and I was grateful, but it’s true that I wasn’t satisfied.
And I didn’t understand why.
But when I heard Bob say that we are spiritual beings, and we always want expansion and fuller expression, it clicked for me. I finally understood why I always want to be more, do more and have more.
And here’s the point I really want to make…
If you ever feel like I used to—like there’s something wrong with you for wanting more—I hope you’ll never feel that way again. It’s your nature to want more. To reach one height and then grow so you can reach another.
When I explain that to people, they often ask…
Is it possible to have it all?
I believe it is. However, my concept of having it all has really evolved over the years.
I’d like to share a paragraph with you from Your Invisible Power that causes me to believe that we can have it all and that our all is continually expanding:
“My mind is a center of Divine operation. The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expansion, and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in the past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth.
Therefore, since the Divine cannot change its inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner with me; consequently, in my own special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before.”
I love that!
If you commit that to memory, and you meditate on it, its meaning will evolve, and you will grow in the process.
Those words were originally written by Thomas Troward, and the core idea that he is talking about is that we are creative beings and that we create our life. The only limitation is the one we place upon ourselves.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting it all. However, if we want it, then we have to see ourselves that way first.
Everything that happens in our world is a manifestation of what is going on inside. And it comes from the image we each have ourselves as an individual.
So the key to “having it all” is to expand the concept of how we see ourselves, so we can change our circumstances. And then, we can create a reality that is as expansive as we want it to be. And we can continue to expand our image so that we get better, and better, and better.
Tips for having it all…
I have it all when I’m loving what I’m doing, and I’m giving it everything I can. That’s the recipe for me.
If I could offer a few tips to you for having it all I would say:
1) understand that you are a creative being,
2) do what you love to do (if you don’t know what you love, find out), and
3) give it all you’ve got—always wanting to do better.
I’d like to hear what you thought of the interview with Larry King. I’d also love to see your thoughts on being happy and grateful for all the good in your life, while still being dissatisfied.
Please leave your comments below so we can get a useful discussion going.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
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