Do you have a dream that is so big and exciting you’re afraid it will never come true?
Don’t let your fear stop you. If you can see it in your mind, and you really, really want it, you can have it.
However, you must do one thing before it can happen…
You must change your consciousness about it.
You see, your dream is already here, my friend. It just hasn’t manifested yet.
I realize you may be skeptical, but I have no doubt that it’s true.
However, there was a time, not so long ago, when I was skeptical too.
Let’s go back in time…
It was the evening of August 18, 2006, and a 2 ½-day seminar had just begun in Vancouver, Washington. I thought it was a leadership conference, but that’s not what it was at all. It was a
Bob Proctor seminar called The Science of Getting Rich.
I was a practicing attorney at the time, and it was the first time I had ever seen Bob Proctor. I had no idea what to expect, but shortly after he took the stage, it became clear that, in all my years of schooling, I had never heard the kind of information Bob was teaching.
Bob’s words shook up everything I had ever learned about goals and success. Even though I couldn’t reconcile what I was hearing with what I thought I knew, I was inspired. And when Bob said we have infinite potential and we can do anything we want, I started having visions of me doing something entirely different with my life.
I wanted to:
- Be in the inner circle of Bob Proctor’s company,
- Be Bob’s closest advisor and
- Create a program with Bob to take into corporate boardrooms.
However, even though I really wanted to do those things, the voice in my head kept saying…
Who are you? You’re just a lawyer. What do you know about this?
It’s clear to me now why that happened…
In my conscious mind, I was discovering that I wanted to reinvent myself and do these wildly different things.
But, in my subconscious mind, I couldn’t honestly see myself as anything except a lawyer.
And when the conscious mind and subconscious mind are at odds…
The subconscious mind always comes out on top
When the seminar was over, I still very much wanted to reach my goals. So, I immersed myself in the programs Bob had created. For days, I was totally captivated by the material.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but by listening to and watching Bob’s teachings back-to-back, I was reprogramming my mind and changing my consciousness.
By raising my level of awareness, I was able to change the concept I had of myself so that I could do and become the three things I so intently wanted to do.
Of course, I’ve done a whole lot of studying since then, and today I realize…
EVERYTHING we need to get where
we want to go is right in from of us
When you change your consciousness, you become cognizant of things that you couldn’t see before.
And, if you continue to raise your level of awareness, you will start to realize everything that you need—all the people, all the ideas, all the resources—is right in front of you.
That means, in 2006, everything I needed to start working with and advising Bob was already here. I just wasn’t aware of it, so my mind was full of fear and doubt.
When I look at my physical world now, relative to what it was then, everything has expanded because my consciousness has grown…
I live in a beautiful home on Whidbey Island. The house overlooks Mutiny Bay and has a gorgeous view overlooking snow-capped mountains.
And the work that I do each day is so fulfilling. I’m Bob Proctor’s partner, we create programs and seminars together, and we’re helping people all around the world live better lives.
How your world can
keep getting better and better
If you want to transform an aspect of your life, read personal development books daily.
That’s how you grow and change your consciousness.
I’m not talking about reading as many books as you can each month or getting through a chapter as quickly as you can.
I’m talking about studying them carefully, so you can raise your level of awareness—and change the concept you hold of yourself—by doing two things as you read:
1. Allow the words to sink in. Changing your consciousness doesn’t happen overnight. Instead of reading in the way we were taught, you have to take in the words deliberately, so you can get into the spirit of what the author is saying.
2. Read and repeat. Instead of reading something slowly and consciously, and then moving on to something else the next day, you should read the same passage many times.
Bob and I recently studied one chapter every day for 180 days straight. Then, we took a break from it and started studying it again. I know that may sound like overkill, but I can’t begin to tell you how much it expanded my awareness. It was incredible.
I want you to be aware of something, though…
This process won’t go the way you may expect it to. Even though you’re reading the same material repeatedly, you will have good days and bad days with it.
Some days, the words will go right over your head, seemingly have little impact on you. And other days, you’ll be deeply moved, and you’ll wonder why you never got it before.
Then, as you continue the process, you may feel like you’re going backward because you didn’t get as much from the reading as you did the week before. But then, suddenly you’ll get it in even more profound way.
Even if you feel like you’re on a roller coaster, the important thing is to keep going. Keep studying the same thing for weeks or even months at a time—no matter how short the passage may be—so that you really get into the spirit of the author’s words.
If you study in this manner, you will make much more headway than if you were to read the entire book and then tell someone about the key topics
Why it’s so important
The whole point of studying is to develop a deep understanding of who you really are, so you can live into your potential and create a more abundant life.
You’ll know what to do and how to do it when you want something. You’ll understand that you must become the thing itself and not just merely talk about or look at it. You’ve got to know it spiritually, not only mentally.
This was a huge challenge for me in the beginning because it’s very challenging to become what you desire when your current physical circumstances are completely opposite of what you want them to be.
You have to impress the picture of what you want on the screen of your subconscious mind so frequently that you get to the point that you’re no longer looking outside of yourself at something and saying, “I want that—how do I get there?”
Instead, you must fuse with your desire so that you are literally, in your imagination, experiencing being that person and the results that you desire—no matter what is going on in your physical world.
Here’s what I did…
For example, one of my goals in 2006 was to create a program with Bob Proctor. However, Bob didn’t even know who I was. So, instead of just talking about it, I had to find a way to become it—to live it. To live from the future.
So, I stepped out on faith and started creating the program on my own so that I would have something to present to Bob when I got the opportunity to talk to him.
I also lived from the place of the program already being out there in the world. I saw it as the leading transformational program of its kind.
I would use my imagination to create future memories where I’d go to a seminar and meet people whose lives had already been changed by the Thinking Into Results program. I would see myself having conversations with them, and they would tell me how much the program had helped them. And I would feel really good—as if it were actually happening.
As I imagined this, I wouldn’t see me in the picture. I would see the person I was talking to through my own eyes.
That’s a critical distinction because seeing myself in the picture would mean the experience was happening outside of, instead of through, me.
Remember, you must see what you want spiritually instead of just having mental knowledge of it.
It works for everybody
You can experience a quantum leap in your physical world, just like I did.
However, you must have a quantum leap in your consciousness first.
If you do these three things…
- Study as I described
- Turn what you want into a desire by impressing it on the subconscious mind over and over again
- Have faith that what you want is already here (because it is) and it just has to manifest in your physical world…
You will reach your goal.
I am sure of it because changing your consciousness changes how you see yourself. And when you see yourself differently, you act differently. When you act differently, you get different results—the results that are aligned with what’s in your subconscious mind.
It’s an incredible process, and it all happens by law.
I know this is a long blog post, but if just one person reads these words and walks away knowing that they are worthy and capable of reaching their dreams, then I’ve done what I’m supposed to do.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
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