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I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to be healthy, happy, and live the life of their dreams.
I want those things too.
But here’s something most people don’t understand…
There is a direct correlation between our self-image and the goals that we set.
Because our self-image is a premise, a foundation upon which we build our personality. It sets the boundaries for every area of our life and establishes a pattern of behavior, and we do not deviate from that pattern.
And no matter how hard we may try, we cannot outperform the image we’ve created in our minds.
That’s why most people don’t go for big, life-changing goals. Instead, they set “reasonable” goals that fit comfortably within the image they hold of themselves.
That’s the not-so-good news.
The better news is if you’re serious about making significant changes to create a life you’ve previously only dreamed of, you can do it. However, it will require you to change your mental image of yourself.
I know that because if your current self-image were a match for achieving that kind of lifestyle, you would already be living it. Because you always think, feel, and, most importantly, create results that align with how you see yourself.
Now, here’s the best news…
Your self-image is an idea. And you can change that idea anytime you choose.
I’ll explain how in a minute, but first, let’s take a look to see what your current self-image is.
It’s an inside job
To figure out what your self-image is, all you have to do is examine each area of your life.
What results are you getting in your relationships, income, health, and work? How clean and orderly are the inside and outside of your house? What is your personal and professional appearance? These are all outer expressions of the inner image you hold of yourself.
Now, you can attempt to make significant changes to things outside yourself (such as multiplying your income or starting a seven-figure business) without changing what’s going on inside. But that approach never works.
To re-make your life, you must build a new self-image. It will take some effort, but everything outside will begin to change as soon as you start to alter the image.
The first steps to improving your image
If you’d like to achieve a life-changing goal in 2022, you can’t attract it by wishing for it or just sending out good vibes. You’ll have to act—do some things differently, and then the universe will react to your actions.
However, before you can do something significantly different, you must first be it.
To be the change you want to see, you must start seeing and thinking of yourself differently.
Here are five steps you can take right away to start altering your self-image and improving your life:
1. Visualize: Spend 10-20 minutes, two or three times a day, to visualize yourself with the wonderful things you’d like to be, do, and have. Allow yourself to completely relax so you can feel what you want down to your cells. To do that, you must live the part while you are visualizing.
2. Write It Down: Burn the images of how you want to live this year in your mind, and then write a detailed description of them. The more you can see and feel as you read your description, the better.
3. Make a Comparison: When you’ve got your description just the way you want it, take a good look at it, and compare it to how you’re living now.
4. Choose One Thing to Change: Once you’ve made this comparison, you’ll see the changes you need to make. Even if you could make dozens of changes, begin by making one change at a time. An excellent place to start is with your appearance.
You want to present yourself physically in a way that is consistent with the new image you are developing. Something as simple as how you dress, walk, and project yourself sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind. It also sends a strong message to everyone you come across.
5. Use Your Inner Eye: Go inside and take a close look at yourself with your inner eye. See if you’re beginning to see yourself, from within, as the person you really want to be.
During the transition period, when you’re in the process of implanting your new image in the subconscious, you will actually perceive two people—the old you and the new you. Every time you see yourself as a failure or lacking somehow, shift your focus to the new you.
Practice this for the next 30 days to see what difference it makes in your life.
View Your World Like the Person You Want to Become
Take the time right now to start building the image in your mind of the person you want to become.
Then, write a brief description of your image, including how you feel, on a card. Carry the card in your pocket and read it every day, several times, until the image fills your consciousness.
While you’re in the process of implanting your new image in your subconscious mind, expand and revise the wording of your description to get the image of every area of your life exactly right. (see Steps 1-5 above). You want to get emotional about your new idea. It should excite and inspire you.
You can use this image-making process for any good that you desire. The changes in your relationships will stagger you. The amount of money you earn will multiply. The way you feel about yourself will improve dramatically.
Discipline yourself to do this exercise. It’s your life. Make it a phenomenal experience and a life-changing year.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
P.S. Get the download below for more detailed instructions on how to change your self-image.
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