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I encourage you to watch this video again and again. If you do, it will raise your level of awareness, and that will change your life.
Think about it…
The information I’m sharing this and next week took everything I had studied for nine full years and funneled it all into place. It made everything finally make sense.
And it will do the same for you if you really study it. Because the results you get in life are an expression of your level of awareness. As your awareness expands, you move from darkness to light. From being stuck to being free.
So, let’s take a couple of minutes to go over a few important points to make sure the information really gets a chance to sink in. Because if it does and you apply what you’ll learn next week, your life will turn on a dime.
If you’ve been consciously thinking positive thoughts, but you’re still getting bad results…
If you see yourself earning more money, but you’re going deeper into debt…
Or, if you study personal development material, but nothing changes …
It will all start to change when you understand how to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
So, right now I want you to etch the drawing of the stick person I shared with you into your memory and incorporate it into your thinking. And every time you think of yourself, think of the drawing …
Picture your conscious mind and recognize that it can accept or reject information that comes from the outside. It can also originate ideas.
Picture your subconscious mind as being “below” your conscious mind. Remember that it has no ability to reject. It HAS to accept everything that the conscious mind turns over to it and it can’t differentiate between what’s real and what is imagined.
Practice this EVERY DAY. Continue to raise your awareness.
Next week, you will deepen your understanding even further. I will share information that will help to flip on the switch of understanding. And when the lights come on, there will be no turning back. Your life will change, just like night and day.
You see, a man doesn’t earn $100,000 a year because he wants to earn $100,000 a year. He earns $100,000 a year because he is not aware of how to earn $100,000 a month!
That’s the kind of awareness you’ll gain next week. So come back.
To your success,
Bob Proctor
Chairman & Co-Founder
Proctor Gallagher Institute
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