Yesterday was Memorial Day in the U.S., and many Americans are taking the time to say “thanks” to the men and women who died while serving their country.
It’s a day where millions are grateful for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That’s a beautiful thing.
I’d like to suggest that no matter what part of the world you’re in, you take a few moments to say “thanks” for someone or something in your life.
One of the many things I love about gratitude is that it raises your awareness. No matter what is going on at any moment, choosing to express gratitude puts your attention squarely on…
What’s good right now
And focusing on the good puts you in a vibration to attract more good into your life.
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles said…
“When good things come to us, the more gratefully we fix our minds on the Supreme Power, the more good things we will receive—and the more rapidly they will come.
The reason for this is simply that the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with the source from which the blessings come.”
Wattles also said, “You cannot exercise much power without gratitude, because it is gratitude that keeps you connected with power.”
And Oprah says…
“If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you will never have enough.”
This is a very simple philosophy…
When you are grateful for what you have, it multiplies. It’s just that simple!
You know, plenty of people miss their share of happiness and success not because they never found it, but because they never stopped to enjoy it.
We can get into such a rush that we never really stop to enjoy—and be grateful for—who we are, where we are, and all that we have going for us.
Tie a string around your finger or wrist (or do whatever makes sense to you) to remind you to be present and grateful today.
It’s such a good way to live
Right now, think of three things you are grateful for.
Now, I’d like for you to share just one of those things below.
I’ll go first…
I’m so grateful that I am able to communicate this valuable information to millions of people all over the world.
That means I am grateful for you. Without you, I wouldn’t get to get to do what I absolutely love to do every day.
Okay, it’s your turn.
Post one thing you’re grateful for. It’ll be a wonderful way to spread joy and love, and raise the vibration of everyone who reads this post.
No matter how busy you may be, commit to practicing gratitude at least once a day. I promise your life will be richer. And it will keep you connected to your power.
Have a happy and mindful day!
To your success,
Bob Proctor
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