As shown above, Bob Proctor did an interview with Michael Sandler of the Inspire Nation Show. The interview was called, “What You Need to Know About the Law of Attraction (Nobody Else Tells You).”
We recently found out the interview set a record for the Inspire Nation Show.
I think it did so well because Bob was so candid about how the Law of Attraction really works, as well as sharing several experiences that have helped him live an extraordinary life.
Here’s a short breakdown of the 49-minute interview:
• 4:30 – what Bob looked at in 1961 that caused him to be serious about changing his life
• 8:34 – why hard work is the worst way to earn money
• 11:24 – the real shift in mindset that Bob had when he started earning more than a million dollars a year
• 17:23 – the first step to replacing your paradigm
• 23:59 – how The Secret led people astray
• 28:10 – the mindset that helped Bob recover from heart surgery quickly
• 34:55 – how to get and keep your mind on a higher frequency so you can actually get the things you desire
• 39:01 – the real purpose of money
• 42:27 – what you’re doing wrong when the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you
If you want more lessons on manifesting the life you want, then I encourage you to get more information about our new book The Art of Living.
Pick up a copy of the book and receive a $195 bonus by clicking here.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
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